Subject Matter Experts

man standing in front of table

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are an essential part of a successful credential development or revision project. SMEs are business and industry representatives and teachers (secondary and postsecondary) who have at least three years of technical experience in the field. Led by a trained NOCTI facilitator, SME teams evaluate existing standards and content to ensure revised and new credentials measure competency at the industry-standard level.

By becoming an SME, you’ll help shape the assessments that measure industry standards, ensure workforce readiness, and empower individuals to excel in their chosen careers. Join us in driving innovation, supporting educators, and creating opportunities for tomorrow’s skilled professionals!

Commitment Levels

Choose from three different commitment levels to best fit your needs.

Full Engagement

Immerse yourself in every stage of the development and revision process. By dedicating 18 to 20 hours as a Full Engagement SME, you’ll help shape the future by contributing to key milestones from development to implementation:

  • Job and Task Analysis
  • Assessment Blueprint Development
  • Multiple-Choice Item Development
  • Performance Job Development
  • Pilot Test Analysis
  • Cut Score Determination

Foundational Impact

Make a big difference early in the process! With a commitment of 13 to 18 hours as a Foundational Impact SME, you’ll play a key role in shaping the building blocks for success:

  • Assessment Blueprint Development
  • Multiple-Choice Item Development
  • Performance Job Development

Flexible Contributions

We know your time is valuable, so here’s how you can still make a meaningful impact in a more flexible way. Choose one or more focused opportunities to lend your expertise:

  • Job and Task Analysis (4 to 6 hours)
  • Content Validation Study (1 hour or less)
  • Independent Review (4 to 6 hours)
  • Cut Score Determination (2 to 4 hours)

SME Development Steps


Job and Task Analysis

Identify the specific duties, responsibilities, skills, knowledge, and abilities required to perform a job effectively.

Content Validation Study

Validate the work completed in the Job and Task Analysis step by rating the criticality of the competencies for a particular technical area.

Assessment Blueprint Development

Determine which standards and competencies will be on the assessment and how test items get distributed.


Multiple-Choice Item Development

Select, review, and create multiple-choice test items aligned to competencies in the blueprint.

Performance Job Development

Create hands-on performance jobs aligned to competencies in the blueprint and/or Job and Task Analysis.


Independent Review

Provide a final review of all assessment materials prior to pilot to ensure the test content is current, valid, industry-relevant, and appropriate for secondary and post-secondary administration.

Pilot Test Analysis Review

Use information from the pilot assessment to help make edits to items and jobs to increase the test’s psychometric strength.

Cut Score Determination

Work with a psychometrician to determine one (or more) passing scores for the assessment.

person talking in front of a crow

Let the voices of expertise speak—hear directly from those who’ve been through the process!

“Once I experienced the test review process, I saw the value in making myself available to assist. Not only am I helping the industry, but I am helping my students and myself.”

Tiffany Lewis, Culinary Arts SME (GA)

“Mechanically, the test development process is brilliantly executed. Somehow, NOCTI administrators were able to distill the chaotic inputs from a very technically diverse team and formulate a comprehensive testing process. The framework that NOCTI has generated to facilitate this kind of information gathering is highly efficient and made the entire experience that much more enjoyable.”

Lawrence Binek, Engineering SME (CT)

“I am always looking for opportunities to help build the next generation of professionals. Helping develop the products for NOCTI as an SME was a unique way to have a broad impact on students across the nation.”

Steve Dalton, Criminal Justice SME (VA)

Subject Matter Expert FAQs

Learn more about serving as an SME by reading our Frequently Asked Questions.

What is considered when selecting SMEs to serve on a team?

Each team is carefully balanced with individuals from a variety of states in differing regions of the U.S., representing a mix of secondary/post-secondary/business and industry. Background, qualifications, at least 3 years of recent experience, type of experience (industrial or educational), and skills related to the test title are considered to determine selection of the best possible candidates. Familiarity with NOCTI assessments is not required.

Is there a contract required to serve as an SME?

Yes. Those selected to work on a NOCTI development or revision project will receive a secure link to the contract. This must be signed and sent to NOCTI by the deadline to confirm commitment to the project.

Do SMEs get paid for their work?

Yes. SMEs receive honorariums that correspond to their commitment level and the activities involved therein. Please note: Some school districts and states have rules regarding payment for SME work.

Can a teacher serve as an SME for the test title that their students take?

Yes. However, individuals selected to serve as Subject Matter Experts for a revision or development team are required to sign a confidentiality agreement in the contract as part of participation requirements. Confidentiality of secure testing materials is strictly enforced. The SME accepts responsibility for the confidentiality of NOCTI assessment materials and understands the consequences of a breach in security both to the SME and their organization, including the $20,000 cost of revision or replacement of compromised assessment instruments. Upon completion of the project, SMEs must destroy all electronic and hard copy assessment materials.

Can professional development/continuing education hours be earned for serving as an SME?

Many states offer continuing education hours. Check with the state’s policy on whether paid SME work is eligible for professional development or continuing education hours. At this time, CEUs are not available through NOCTI.

What if an SME is not selected to serve on a team?

The master list of contacts in the SME database is used to create the pool of qualified candidates for upcoming projects. An SME not selected for a current project will be considered for a future project.


If you still have any questions about becoming a Subject Matter Expert, we’re here to help! Send us a message with this form and we’ll be in touch shortly.

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