Psychometric Services

Organizations large and small turn to NOCTI for assuring their tests have a solid foundation and are valid, reliable, and legally defensible. Psychometric services rely on the collection of validity evidence to support testing and certification programs. This evidence is established through continuous documentation of procedures used to develop credentials from job analysis through development and ongoing analysis and maintenance. We use a variety of psychometric models and statistics and work with customers to meet their unique needs. These services are available for both the credentials we develop with you and those developed through other means.
Available Services
- Bias Review
- Demographic Analysis
- Editorial Item Review
- Validity Studies
- Form Construction
- Item Development & Review
- Job & Task Analysis
- Readability Analysis
- Standard Setting
- Item & Test Analysis
- Equating & Scaling
- Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Analysis & Fairness Evaluation
- Accreditation Compliance Support