Teacher Testing

With demand for a highly-skilled workforce growing, career and technical education (CTE) teachers are in the perfect position to help close the skills gap by training and preparing students entering technical careers. The U.S. Department of Education has made it a top priority to have a highly effective teacher in every classroom. How does this happen in a CTE classroom? And, when teaching positions become available, how can a state and/or school be sure the candidates have the technical skills needed to successfully prepare students?

NOCTI’s teacher assessments are designed to measure an individual’s knowledge of higher-level concepts, theories, and applications in specific technical areas and to evaluate individuals with a combination of education, training, and work experience. NOCTI works with Area Test Center (ATC) Coordinators to help create a program that includes training materials for coordinators, proctors, and evaluators. With over 50 technical areas, NOCTI offers a variety of tools and resources for CTE teacher candidates.


NOCTI provides Blueprints for all teacher titles. Blueprints provide general content information, specific competencies covered, sample questions, knowledge-based and skill-based information, and a sample performance job.  If you are looking for information regarding the Massachusetts Teacher Testing Program, click here

Area Test Centers

Area Test Centers (ATCs) are established by State Departments of Education for the purpose of assessing career and technical education teachers and teacher candidates and are located throughout the United States. Contact a designated Area Test Center to learn more about requirements in your state.

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CTE Teacher!

Get NOCTI's new guide with three researched-backed strategies to empower teachers and turn good CTE teaching into exceptional rockstar performance.