Parent & Student Resources
Credential Preparation
Blueprints are available for all NOCTI credentials and provide competency lists, percentage breakdowns, sample questions, and skill-based job examples. Students use Blueprints to focus studying on areas in need of improvement and to prepare for success in their selected career path.
Study Guides
Study Guides serve as a road map for credential preparation. The digital format makes them accessible from anywhere and with any device. This resource includes study checklists and breakdowns for both the knowledge-based and skill-based components of the credentialing assessment. Study Guides are typically ordered through the school or college, but also available for direct order when needed.
Try Our Testing System
Credentialing assessments are primarily delivered through NOCTI’s online testing software, QuadNet™. This secure online system includes features such as a built-in calculator, the ability to enlarge graphics, and accommodations for test-takers with individualized education plans (IEPs). Explore QuadNet™ and its features by signing up to demo the system and its features.
After Testing
Interpreting Scores
NOCTI provides an Individual Score Report containing an overall score along with scores for each standard covered on the credential. For students who have taken a pre-test, the report will include both the pre- and post test scores, as well as the percent of change between the scores. Scores are meant to guide students as they prepare for their chosen career or continued education and are not a direct indication of success or failure. Check out the Score Report Quickview!
Workforce Competency Credential
NOCTI’s Workforce Competency Credential provides a credible means of providing verification of the knowledge and skills expected by an industry. This credential is issued to individuals scoring at or above the NOCTI criterion-referenced cut score on a current NOCTI credentialing assessment. This certification verifies students’ skills and informs future employers of their competency and achievements.
College Credit Recommendations
NOCTI collaborates with the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) to translate all credential content into college credit recommendations. Students who score 70% or higher on approved credentials are eligible for college credit recommendations. A free College Credit Recommendation Report is generated for each eligible student to share with the college or university they are interested in attending.