A valuable preparation tool, Blueprints contain competency lists, percentage breakdowns, sample questions, and skill-based job examples. Teachers and students use Blueprints to identify the skills and knowledge needed in a particular career path and to focus studying on areas needing improvement. Use the index below to search for Blueprints alphabetically, by credential category, or by career cluster.
Unless stated otherwise in the Assessment Blueprint, all assessments must be administered in a proctored environment. Proctoring instructions are available in the Client Services Center for NOCTI testing sites.
NOCTI respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask you to do the same. All NOCTI Blueprints, including those of its partners, are copyrighted materials and are intended for personal or educational classroom usage. No part of any blueprint content, including NOCTI competencies, may be reproduced in any form, incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, or used to prepare derivative works, or materials being sold for profit without NOCTI’s official consent.
Note: The CIP Codes indicated on each blueprint are examples of the types of occupations for which the credential may be applicable. Other CIP Codes likely align and NOCTI encourages a crosswalk of standards and competencies to your program content.
Career Cluster
21st Century Skills for Workplace Success
Employability Skills
Employability Skills
A*S*K Concepts of Business Management
Business Management & Administration
A*S*K Institute
A*S*K Concepts of Entrepreneurship
Business Management & Administration
A*S*K Institute
A*S*K Fundamental Business Concepts
Business Management & Administration
A*S*K Institute
Additive Manufacturing Essentials (NOCTI-America Makes)
Job Ready
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
America Makes
Administrative Assistant
State Program
Business Management & Administration
Administrative Services – Revised Test for 2024-25
Business Management & Administration
Aerospace Engineering – Course 1
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Aerospace Engineering – Course 2
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Aerospace Engineering – Course 3
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Credential Categories
Job Ready
Measure the skills of those completing a technical training program. Consist of both knowledge-based and skill-based components which can be administered together or independently. Ideal for programs that are two-to-three-years in length with a comprehensive focus on occupational skills.
Broader than an occupational-specific assessment, measuring technical skills at the cluster and pathway level as well as employability skills and academic skills relevant to an occupational pathway. Ideal for programs that are a semester to one year in length and can be used across multiple occupational areas.
Employability Skills
Measure the skills representing critical knowledge, sometimes referred to as “soft skills” needed for success in the workplace. Appropriate for all student populations including middle grades through postsecondary.
Foundational Concepts
Measure an individual’s understanding of a set of core skills and key concepts within a career field. Ideal for programs that are one-to-two-years in length and can be used across multiple occupational areas.
Partner Network
NOCTI partners with several professional associations offering a variety of credentials for learners of any level.
Offered in over 50 technical areas for administration at state-designated authorized Area Test Centers across the nation. States utilize these assessments to measure occupational specific knowledge of teacher candidates and as part of state licensing requirements.
Learners of any age can confirm familiarity with a discrete, targeted set of knowledge and skills within an occupation with NOCTI Micro-Credentials. Learner resources are available through NOCTI’s Learning Management System (LMS). A short, teacher-administered credentialing assessment is delivered through NOCTI’s online testing system and successful participants are awarded digital badges through NOCTI’s SkillBadge Locker.
Education Professional
CTE professionals are in an educational class by themselves and need a different set of pedagogical skills and background knowledge. These differences require a specialized credential to confirm baseline and advanced expectations for new CTE teachers, CTE administrators, professionals working with CTE data, and work-based learning coordinators.

College Credit Recommendations
Most NOCTI credentials offer college credit recommendations. Experienced industry experts and professors working with the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS), have evaluated the rigor of NOCTI credentials to translate the content into college credit equivalencies. College credit equivalents for NOCTI’s credentials may be found on the NCCRS website.
Workforce Competency Credential
Students have the ability to validate skills with NOCTI’s certification. The Workforce Competency Credential is issued to individuals scoring at or above the NOCTI criterion-referenced cut score on a current NOCTI Job Ready, Pathway, Foundational, or Employability credentialing assessment.