Credentials Overview
Empowering students with confidence and credibility.
Credential Categories
Interested in seeing Blueprints for these Career Clusters?
Try Our Online Testing System
The QuadNet™ online testing system was built specifically for our customers. It is secure, user-friendly, includes integrated tools and accommodations, and delivers immediate score results. Explore the full list of features and capabilities by signing up for a free demo.
NOCTI provides a variety of accommodations for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). Accommodations include paper/pencil format, time extensions, text-to-speech, readers, visual assistance, and more.
Learners of any age can confirm familiarity with a discrete, targeted set of knowledge and skills within an occupation with NOCTI Micro-Credentials. Learner resources are available through NOCTI’s online testing system, and successful participants can earn digital badges.
State Programs
We have implemented our services at both the local and state levels. NOCTI offers off-the-shelf credential options, customized test development, custom system development, and training and professional development. We have assisted many districts and states by coordinating comprehensive assessment programs tailored to specific educational needs.
Teacher Testing
NOCTI offers teacher assessments in over 50 technical areas. These assessments are administered through NOCTI’s nationwide Area Test Center network. Individual states and/or higher education institutions determine how the assessments and results will be used.
Education Professional Certification
CTE professionals are in an educational class by themselves and require a different set of pedagogical skills and background knowledge. NOCTI has developed two levels of CTE credentials for new teachers, administrators, data professionals, and work-based learning coordinators. These credentials can be used as part of state-level licensing processes, integrated as a pre-employment tool at the local level, incorporated into employee onboarding processes, and included in professional development plans.
Test Types
A pre-test is administered to determine a student’s baseline technical knowledge when used at the beginning of a program or course. Pre-test data is also useful at key points during a career and technical education program for creating learning or remediation plans. Pre-tests allow teachers and students to identify strengths and areas needing improvement, make curriculum adjustments, reduce test anxiety, and craft a more individualized instruction.
Performance Testing
CTE provides an unparalleled learning environment for students to acquire hands-on skills. Measuring these skills is essential to ensure that students are ready to enter their chosen career field or further their education. NOCTI skill-based credentials provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills by completing actual jobs using the tools, materials, machines, and equipment of the occupation. Members of the local industry advisory committee often serve as third-party evaluators during the administration process.
Post Testing
Typically administered at the end of a program, a post test is used to gauge the learner’s technical knowledge and skills. Programs using a pre/post test combination will receive a comparison report after the post test is completed. Data from post tests can be used to show individual student improvement and assess overall program effectiveness.
Pilot Testing
Every NOCTI credential undergoes pilot testing to ensure its validity. Sites that join NOCTI’s pilot program have a unique opportunity to administer newly developed/revised credentials in a no-pressure practice environment. Pilot testing also enables an evaluation of internal administration procedures and encourages sites to review the curriculum for effectiveness and alignment with current standards. Pilot Blueprints are available in our Blueprint Index. Please contact us for more information on how to participate in pilot testing.