Updates from NOCTI

Updates from NOCTI

NOCTI to Participate in VISION 2020 with Sessions and Exhibiting NOCTI will once again be participating in the VISION conference, although this year it will be entirely virtual! While we will miss the face-to-face interaction with CTE professionals from across the...
Career Technical Education & Economic Recovery

Career Technical Education & Economic Recovery

COVID-19 has disrupted every aspect of our society, and the education system is no exception. Career and technical education (CTE) programs in particular are facing unique challenges due to the technical and hands-on nature of instruction. As we begin reviving the...
Subject Matter Expert Spotlight: Chris Waterbury

Subject Matter Expert Spotlight: Chris Waterbury

NOCTI’s professional network includes the dedicated professionals who serve as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). These industry experts are critical to NOCTI’s credential development and revision process and include people like Chris Waterbury, an ASE Master Technician...
JROTC Credential Development is Underway!

JROTC Credential Development is Underway!

NOCTI is excited to announce a collaborative credential development project for the Junior Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (JROTC) program. This development is occurring with assistance from subject matter experts (SMEs) associated with the various military branches....
NOCTI Products and Services Update

NOCTI Products and Services Update

Digital Study Guide – Discounted Pricing to Support CTE Learning NOCTI is offering its Digital Study Guides during fall 2020 at a 30% discount to provide students and educators an additional learning resource during the COVID-19 pandemic. Available 24/7 on all...
COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resources

NOCTI has compiled a list of COVID-19 resources to help CTE learners acquire simple to complex skills, to stay engaged in learning, and to measure growth. You’ll find resources to improve instructional strategies, as well as many opportunities for personal...
Using Pre-Tests to Address the COVID Knowledge Slide

Using Pre-Tests to Address the COVID Knowledge Slide

The “summer slide” refers to knowledge loss occurring while a student is away from the classroom during summer vacation. Also referred to as “summer learning loss” or “summer set back,” this phenomenon has been studied by researchers and educators since the early 20th...
Updates from NOCTI

Our New Website Launched!

Welcome to the new NOCTI.org! We’re excited you’re here. The new site was built based on best practices, years of user data, and input from our talented staff. Its features include: Intuitive and responsive design and layout Refreshed and relevant content about our...
Perkins V and Continuous Improvement

Perkins V and Continuous Improvement

The strengthening career and technical education for the 21ST century act (Perkins V) reauthorization requires a continuous improvement process within programs of study as well as defines explicit professional development guidelines that provide all levels of support...